
Vehicle delivery services by

Car shipping quotes in USA? We have over a decade of auto transport experience. Our knowledge, dedication and integrity guarantees exceptional customer service. Our business model is completely transparent and validated by our growing customer base and 5-star reviews. Our team has build a 5-star rated auto transport company: Decide that for yourself. Please, read our customer reviews! We are family-owned and operated and we take care of our customers. And our 5-star reviews speak volumes. This is why we are considered one of the best car shipping companies in the US. Discover additional information on car shipping companies.

Our team has the right amount of experience to know what customers expect and prefer. Yet, we never stop learning. Corsia Logistics’ team stays on top of industry innovations, regulations, and requirements. We learn every day and constantly adjust to an ever changing logistics industry. We do it with dedication and respect for our customers and our carriers. Find out for yourself, read our customer reviews. It is a very fine balance we work hard to achieve. If you don’t do it with your heart and with consideration for all parties involved, sooner or later it will hurt someone.

Customers should not use auction websites. These types of marketplaces encourage underbidding wars between shipping companies. Once you list your vehicle and accept a bid your hands are tight. The rate is always below current market price and you end up waiting for weeks for a carrier to accept such a rate. Do your research beyond first page of Google. Request several car shipping quotes and talk to representatives before choosing. Get the idea of the average auto transport rates.

This is the type of protection any high end automobile owners prefers. When shipping a car with a paint job for thousands of dollars, enclosed car transport is the best solution. Many covered carriers highlight their white glove service by actually handling vehicles with white gloves! This is to ensure no scratches or even spots appear on the vehicle. What Type of Vehicles Should Go Enclosed? Any vehicle worth $50,000 or more should be transported via an enclosed carrier. Corsia Logistics values all makes and models. To us every vehicle is special and we always recommend enclosed trailer. However, enclosed auto shipping is primarily used for sports cars, luxury, classic and antique automobiles. These are high end, high maintenance automobiles whose owners have invested solid amounts. We can call them a hobby automobiles, not meant to be driven every day. This means that they need to be well protected at all times, including while being shipped.

Collect a few price quotes and then certainly talk to the companies. Only by calling and discussing your needs and your case you will understand how the company will treat you. An established and trustworthy company will give you all options and help you choose accordingly. A reliable company will explain what the current market situation is and what is a realistic price to ship a car now.Whether you need to ship a car now or in 30 days matters for the price. In the logistics industry prices fluctuate so discussing your preferences and budget is a must.

How much does open auto transport cost? Corsia Logistics quotes current market prices that will ship a car on time. The rate that will ship a vehicle in a timely and professional manner we call the golden mean. In the auto transport industry it is very important to be able to accommodate the customer. But we have to accommodate the carrier as well. This means, pay the real current market price. In the US, almost all open car carriers are independent owner operators. This means a current market price is a decisive factor when it comes to timely shipping. A customer basically competes with other customers for a spot on the car carrier, and better paying vehicles always get picked up first. Therefore, it is very important for the broker to hit the golden mean- the right auto transport price. Here at Corsia Logistics we understand that very well and we explain it to our customers.

What is the difference between the open and closed autotransport? Open car shipping trailer is the most common method of shipping. The car is loaded on a trailer exposed to elements. Enclosed is mainly requested for shipping classic cars and luxury, vintage, custom or sports automobiles. CORSIA is family-owned and operated company and with the help of our partners we provide auto transport services nationally and internationally. We regularly transport vehicles to and from all west coast ports, such as port of Long Beach, San Diego and Seattle. We provide daily services to all states and all major cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Houston, and Seattle. Find more details at

Expedited car shipping service is when the customer needs the car to be delivered as quickly as possible. This could mean an exact date or a specific date. In the auto transportation industry moving multiple vehicles at once is always the most efficient option, but not always the fastest. The fewer cars the carrier loads, the faster the service. Thus for such service one, two or three car carrier is required which costs more. This is also the standard in the industry and Corsia offer exactly door-to-door car transport. It is the most convenient method to deliver a car. The carrier will pick up your vehicle at an address you choose and deliver to an address you choose. At pick up and at delivery the carrier completes the an inspection report and fills a Bill of Lading (BOL), which the customer has to sign.