Best african safari tour destinations

Best african safari tour destinations

Africa is a fascinating location if you are searching for raw nature feeling. The “big seven” safari destinations in Africa are South Africa (for Kruger National Park and Sabi Sand Game Reserve), Tanzania (for Serengeti National Park and Ngorogoro Crater), Kenya (the Masai Mara), Botswana (the Okavango Delta) and Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. Australian travellers don’t need tourist visas to visit South Africa, Botswana or Namibia; Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe issue tourist visas on arrival. Make sure you have at least two blank pages in your passport; you can be refused entry if there’s not enough space for an arrival stamp.

The Masai Mara is one of the most spectacular and beautiful locations on Earth. Golden sunsets bathe the quintessential-African landscape of rolling savanna grasslands in a stunning flame-hued glow that you’ll struggle to get out of your mind once you’ve left.

The Masai Mara reserve welcomes the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration every year: millions of animals follow the wildebeest through the area from July onwards resulting in the most abundant concentration of wildlife anywhere in Africa. View hyena, cheetah, baboons, crocodiles, hippo, gazelle, zebra, impala…the list goes on…and you can consider yourself unlucky if you don’t spy most of the Big 5 animals in an extended stay. The Masai Mara is legendary and this is why. Read more on african safari package.

Bwindi Gorilla Trekking Rwanda and Uganda, African Adventures

Uganda is perfect for treks and primate-spotting. This five-day Africa Adventure trip would suit the time-pressed traveler searching for an affordable (and less commercial) adventure – but there’s also opportunity for extension and upgrade along the way. This tour kicks off in the Rwandan capital city of Kigali with an informative tour of the Kigali Genocide Museum, after which travelers will be driven north, across the border to Uganda’s Bwindi forest and national park, with stop-offs for scenic photographs along the way. The national park is located in stunning southwestern Uganda and the second day of the tour is jam-packed with gorilla tracking through the verdant Bwindi jungle. The next day participants get the chance to take a scenic drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park via the Ishasha sector for sightings of lions, elephants, topi and antelope before embarking on a gorgeous two hour boat cruise along the Kazinga channel to spot hippos, buffaloes, crocodiles and more.

Chobe National Park lies adjacent to the Okavango Delta in the northwest corner of Botswana. It includes four distinct ecosystems, allowing for an incredibly diverse array of animal and bird life. In particular, the park’s Savuti Marsh offers one of Africa’s highest year-round concentrations of wildlife. Chobe is especially famous for its elephants, with an estimated 120,000 of the great grey animals living within the park’s borders. The best time to visit is during the dry season (April to October), when vast herds of elephant and other animals gather to drink along the banks of the Chobe River. The river also allows for unique boat-based game-viewing and rewarding birding

Wamala Rd,
Off Entebbe Rd, P.O Box 6970,
Kampala Uganda
+256 (0) 774872185
